Alright, it is the time of the year Nashville longs for... PREDS SEASON! Being a west coast girl from Seattle, hockey wasn't a big thing, but since moving to Nashville, I have definitely been converted to a hockey fan (Thank goodness for my friends being patient and explaining the game to me, I am still lost half of the time, but I am trying)

Last night I found myself looking around at the crowd (more than I was actually watching hockey) hoping I would see maybe a SMASH hat or two. But I saw one down in the lower bowl, then another on the girl in front of me, then people texting me pictures of people they saw wearing them, then SMASH hats on the big screen! HOW. COOL. 

Thank y'all from the bottom of me and Laci's hearts for your support of The Nash Collection, the ride has been so exciting this far and we are excited to continue down the road on it. Oh &... GO PREDS! 


XO // Ally 

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