Someone recently messaged me, (if you're reading this - you know who you are) asking me where she felt like she and her family should stay when coming to Nashville.  Instantly, I was unable to tell her where I felt...
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Day in, and day out we ship hats all over the world to our customers. Not knowing where they're going. Not knowing a single thing about the names on the invoices. We just know your names, what you ordered, and...
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Nashville This Weekend
What's going down in Nashville this weekend? The question that everyone is beginning to ask themselves right about now. It's Thursday afternoon, and you've pretty much survived the week. That sweet taste of not having to get up for work...
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Our Favorite Nashville Eats
Food. Food. GIVE US ALL THE FOOD.  We're those girls that while we're eating breakfast, we're asking each other "What sounds good for lunch?" We live to eat, and eat to live. Probably more of the first one. Can you...
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Nashville's going dark, y'all. Monday, August 21st, 2017 the TOTAL eclipse is happening. I'm not sure if I'm excited or a little scared. You have to admit, it's kind of freaky. But, totally badass at the same time.  Like, this...
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